Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Magic Violin

Once there was a boy named Jimbo. All Jimbo wanted was to have some excitement in his life. One day Jimbo's parents said to their son "Would you like to play an instrument?". Jimbo said "Yes, I would like to play the violin".

Jimbo practised all the time. Jimbo loved playing the violin but there was one problem, he sounded terrible. Jimbo took lots of violin lessons to help him get better.

Eventually Jimbo became famous in the USA. People loved Jimbo's music and he earnt lots of money playing. Jimbo's Father gave away Jimbo's money to his rugby club to buy new equipment and Jimbo stopped playing the violin.

Jimbo realised that he was not very happy because he had no music in his life. He started playing the electric guitar and sounded terrible.....

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