Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Talia grinned as she looked out of the window on her way to Samoa. Talia had never been to Samoa before. When the large plane had landed Talia stepped out into the hot summer sun. Dad had led Talia into a rather large building where they to wait in a very long line. Talia had met her Aunty Maina for the first time. Talia was a little bit shy. It was a long drive in the car. On one side of the road Talia could see the sea and on the other side there were houses that had no walls and you could see right through them. There were lots of kids playing on the grass. They had stopped at a shop to by some drinks. Then Talia arrived at there destetnation,she was still shy but she thought the place looked kinda cool. Talia got on really well


Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Magic Violin

Once there was a boy named Jimbo. All Jimbo wanted was to have some excitement in his life. One day Jimbo's parents said to their son "Would you like to play an instrument?". Jimbo said "Yes, I would like to play the violin".

Jimbo practised all the time. Jimbo loved playing the violin but there was one problem, he sounded terrible. Jimbo took lots of violin lessons to help him get better.

Eventually Jimbo became famous in the USA. People loved Jimbo's music and he earnt lots of money playing. Jimbo's Father gave away Jimbo's money to his rugby club to buy new equipment and Jimbo stopped playing the violin.

Jimbo realised that he was not very happy because he had no music in his life. He started playing the electric guitar and sounded terrible.....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The man whose mother was a pirate

Once upon a time there was a man who had never seen the sea. His mother was a pirate. The man always wore a respectable brown suit and brown shoes. The man worked in a neat little office. The man wrote down rows of figures in books and ruling lines under them. One day his mother said "I want to see the sea again me
Matey. I really want to fire my pistol gun laddy and I want to have so much fun." So they headed for the door. The man's mother said "Are you excitied boy?" Yes, I am ." Very soon they saw a beam of sun light shone in there eyes. They saw sparkly golden sand. "I see the sea" They jumped all around and lived happily ever after.

The End

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Amelia Jane the collection

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