Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Talia grinned as she looked out of the window on her way to Samoa. Talia had never been to Samoa before. When the large plane had landed Talia stepped out into the hot summer sun. Dad had led Talia into a rather large building where they to wait in a very long line. Talia had met her Aunty Maina for the first time. Talia was a little bit shy. It was a long drive in the car. On one side of the road Talia could see the sea and on the other side there were houses that had no walls and you could see right through them. There were lots of kids playing on the grass. They had stopped at a shop to by some drinks. Then Talia arrived at there destetnation,she was still shy but she thought the place looked kinda cool. Talia got on really well